Thursday, March 19, 2009

Let's see, today we COULD cover real news and serious issues facing Jersey City and the Five Boroughs....OR

We could sit on or asses and watch the basketball tournament on the Jersey City Desk high-def 40 inch teevee and see how our brackets are coming along.

Guess what's gonna happen....Who the hell do you think we are, CNN?

Here, so you don't feel cheated today, here's Stephen Colbert shooting lasers out of his hands and hitting evil bears. Bears as we know from the Ypsi City Desk are mindless, perfect killing machines.


  1. Bears are mindless killing machines WITH NO SOULS. We'll chalk up this omission to March Madness.

  2. No souls? They are soulless? I'm going to have to check Wikipedia

  3. Just as I suspected:
