Monday, October 5, 2009

Cell phone use and texting in the theater and the movies....What say you?

It's not that it's just rude and wrong, but how do we combat it? The kids these days, oh the kids, they are growing up thinking since texting makes no sound it's OK to whip out the cellie and have a text-a-thon. People's cell phones are going off during plays, the glow of cell phones distracts during movies and other public performances but how do we STOP people from doing this?

You thoughts Jersey City and elsewhere...


  1. first of all, posting several signs stating any use of the texting apparatus will warrent them being thrown out of the show/event they are attending without a refund and then enforce it.

  2. I have been tempted many times to just reach over and grab the phone out of their stupid little hands and tell them I'll return it in good condition when the movie is over. If they can't stop themselves from being f**king selfish jackasses, I CAN. Or rather we. We can go Third Reich and reward people for ratting out texters and phone-users. It'll work.

  3. I'd like to see theaters employ cell phone jammers. Tell people to go out in the lobby if they wanna text or talk. They jam them in Europe and SOME churches here jam them.

  4. Brilliant beyond brilliant idea Johnny!!!
