Look we'd expect the disgraced and now bankrupt company who gave out secret donations like grandparents give out candy to have greased the palms of outgoing Mayor Healy to the tune of $4700 (for Healy and his team). We'd expect crooks like former FuHo Mayor Peter Cammarano and former Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell to be on the list for these secret donations, they loved taking money they shouldn't have and served time for doing it.
Everyone questioned in the Star-Ledger story on Birdsall's secret cash not appearing on any campaign donation filings had an excuse as for why it was there. Hudson County Executive Thomas DeGise got money and said he made no promises. North Bergen Mayor and state Sen. Nicholas Sacco said through a spokesmodel that Sacco had no knowledge money was allegedly donated in an improper way, and if that proves to be the case, the money will be donated to a charity.
We're beyond being able to shame Mayor Healy, he's done in a week. But Mr. Fulop would you kindly tell us what the secret campaign money went to? See you're sitting there having taken two and a half shares of the money (Because state law prohibits giving more than $300 to many politicians, Birdsall had its employees write personal checks to candidates and then later reimbursed the staffers with salary bonuses and lied to the state on disclosure forms) and since in this past election you were all about the need for a transparent government and how Jersey City needed to put and end to, in your words, "pay to play"we're wondering about you taking Birdsall's money.
We don't want to hear that no favors were granted. We heard that from Healy. We don't want to hear another "Well of course candidate X had no idea this money came from where it did, we'll donate it." No, what we want to hear is how you wound up with these donations Steve. Not in a press release, not in a statement from a lackey, but from YOU Mr. Reformer.
For the new face of all that is good and right with Jersey City and by extension Hudson County politics that $750 looks like a millstone around your neck.
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