Thursday, October 22, 2009

The MTA in NYC is onto something -- lower fares for late nights and weekends

The JCD would like to applaud MTA Chief Jay Walder for his idea of doing something in New York already done in London and that is when your card is swiped, if it's late at night or on the weekend, the subtraction from said card is less than during peak hours. That just makes sense and in in some cases will encourage riders who are extremely cost conscious to ride at less than peak times. The plan would also be used for buses.

Unlike London however there is no plan to charge more for longer trips. Walder said that “would be a mistake.”

“You can see creative and innovative things that would happen with this." The plan would "generate the revenue we need and get more people to be using the transit system at different times of day.”

We agree, good thinking Mr. Walder.

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