Friday, June 18, 2010



Anonymous said...

Such a bullshit call, that ref probably hated the American team so he thought he would try to flex his crappy muscle. Another play that should have been reviewed and overturned!

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Ya know, for the FIRST time in my sporting life I actually think I saw a guy who disliked the USA and acted on it. His calls were stunningly bad all day against the USA. Giving US players yellow cards for handballs that hit the side of your face, the fact that EVERY free kick set piece the USA ran, EVERY ONE was whistled down.

I honestly (and that's not hyperbole) think this guy had a grudge with America somehow.

You could look back at the USA vs Russia 1972 gold medal game in basketball as one but that also upon review COULD be seen as just a messed up ridonculous call.

I've seen hundreds of soccer matches on the international level, of course those who know me know I've wasted a good portion of my life watching hockey too on an international level and I have never seen a referee look like he really disliked another country and have it spill over into their calls.

I used to umpire baseball and softball games growing up in tiny Ortonville Michigan, it's how I'd make a quick $20 but umpiring two games on weeknights. There were times due to the luck of the draw I'd get my sisters' team's games. I would no more think of giving them an advantage than I would anyone else which was never. I vividly recall calling my littlest sister out on strikes one night and she didn't talk to me for days. I told her, you're just like anyone else out there to me. I CANNOT show favoritism.

I honestly think this guy did.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Oh yeah and when the Lego version of this is available we'll run it lol