Saturday, June 25, 2011

Late night open thread

A hearty congratulations to the New York State Senate for voting FOR gay marriage in Albany tonight. You are on the right side of history and it's refreshing to see elected officials for a change stand on principle for what is right rather than politically expedient. Governor Cuomo immediately signed the bill into law and gay marriages can begin in 30 days.

Oh, and the same right wing Christian lobby that has spent the better part of the last 10 years trying to blur the line on the separation of church and state sure showed their forked tongues in all this. When it comes to teaching intelligent design and trying to put creationism on the same plane of fact as evolution in public schools they have no use for the separation of church and state and often loudly pretend it doesn't exist in any form. But they sure were FOR the old separation of church and state when they lobbied hard to insist the law in no way required Christian clergy to marry gay couples. Huh, ya don't say. Sounds like they want to have their straight wedding cake and eat it to.

Well done New York, hopefully New Jersey will follow your lead.

Time for Jersey City, After Dark

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