Friday, March 2, 2012

Well mayhem lovers, tomorrow is Hoboken's Lepre-Con Pub Crawl

Oddly enough it'll start in New York City and when bars are allowed to open in Hoboken at 11am it'll move back over to FuHo. We love a good pub crawl born out of sheer rage at the cancellation of a city tradition. We're intrigued that people who have an axe to grid with FuHo Mayor Dawn Zimmer over her decision to cancel said parade are having a pub crawl in response. Funny thing about an axe to grind, one may start out with pure intentions to show her up through upstanding citizenship but when mixed with alcohol, crowds, house parties, more alcohol that axe more often than not gets swung.

Of course we hope for the best for everyone who just wants a good time with an Irish flavor and a Harp Lager or twelve.

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