Friday, November 21, 2014


Johnny can tell you without a doubt what his favorite all-time slow song is. Can you? Quick, Johnny will give you a chance to read this story and listen to this incredible song that long ago put a hook in Johnny probably no other slow song has. 'Sara' is simply a one of a kind and Johnny can tell you the very first time he heard it, camping outside one night in George Fischer's front yard in 1979.

That's a big fucking hook eh?

Get your learn on as Stevie talks about writing the song while you listen to what heaven sounds like.

"I wrote Sara on the piano, by myself. The original Sara was 16 minutes long. Like about nine more verses than what you hear on the record. It got edited down to 14 minutes, down to 11 minutes, down to 9 minutes, down to 7 minutes, down to 4 minutes and 40 seconds. I was to the point where I went, 'Is the word Sara even going to be left in the song?'

I knew that Sara would be very popular because I loved writing that song. I've had more fun writing that...I remember the night I wrote it. 'I sat up with a very good friend of mine whose name is Sara, who was married to Mick Fleetwood. She likes to think it's completely about her, but it's really not completely about her. It's about me, about her, about Mick, about Fleetwood Mac. Its about all of us at that point. There's little bits about each one of us in that song and when it had all the other verses it really covered a vast bunch of people. Sara was the kind of song you could fall in love with, because I fell in love with it..."
 -- Stevie Nicks, Tommy Vance show, May 1994

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