Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Jersey Journal beat us to this topic this morning

Johnny had planned to write up a year in review post today and a guy he really likes, reporter Terrence T. McDonald at the Jersey Journal had written pretty good one himself. We're not going to try and cover everything he reviewed but we're going to expound on a few points he brought up.

If Johnny is giving out grades to Mayor Fulop it'd be in the C- to D+ range this year. His attorneys showing up at city council meetings where millions in tax breaks are being decided with their heads up their asses and not knowing the length of abatements they were even talking about and leaving. Bzzzzt. City Hall jobs that appear and aren't subject to any oversight or usual hiring practices. Bzzzzzt. That many of these jobs seem set-up to help the mayor's run for governor Bzzzzt Bzzzzt. Bubba Cowan's lawsuit, though dismissed sure brought up some interesting points. Especially that Robbinsville incident. The case might be dropped but it doesn't mean the original claim wasn't true. Administrative spending is far too high. City spending is far too high. This coming from a really liberal person, not some reactionary tea party goof, also someone who knows economics.

Fulop's mishandling of the election date change does at the end become a null because no matter how shady the original plan was, the people will get a full say on real numbers in the end.

The reval that's now coming is going to be pinned on the mayor just as it would have been under Healy or Cunningham. Someone was gonna get it. But it will be Fulop who has to sit there like a jackass in a hailstorm and take it. If he'd have just let the other 5% of it get done and dealt with it right after he became mayor he could have blamed it on Healy and it wouldn't have changed any of the tax breaks he planned to continue giving out. He'd have skated by but now that Drumthwacket is calling it's much much more troublesome.

Jackass meet hailstorm.

We especially liked McDonald's take on the double-dippers that city council member Fulop raged against. There's a saying going around town, "Councilman Fulop would hate Mayor Fulop's guts."

Fulop also went through more spokespeople, most noteworthy new guy Ryan Jacobs who we hardly even got to call a spokesmodel before he left. Sad face. Quite interesting McDonald points out Fulop's known temper in dealing with staff when discussing all the disappeared spokespeople. Spokespeople, some of whom Johnny has known well don't normally get really rattled at public criticism to the point they'd keep quitting. Maybe it's someone else flying off the handle at fair critiques made of him and making life unbearable for those who spin his message.

Just a thought.

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