Friday, October 21, 2016

The JCPD took officers off active duty to stand around construction sites, no REALLY

How about that, no burying the lead on this one. The Jersey City Police Department felt it was actually OK to pull active duty police, ie they were cruising around the city trying to prevent crime....until they got a call to pull them off actual duty and go stand around a construction site. Who the fuck thinks this is EVER OK?

Backstory, Terrence T. Mc Donald, take it away:

Eight police officers tasked with distributing off-duty jobs to cops — called pick masters or job coordinators — were abruptly stripped of that power last week, according to law-enforcement sources who asked not to be identified discussing personnel matters. The change led the administration to pull officers off patrol to cover off-duty jobs that had gone unfilled, the sources said.

See that people, see how important you are in the eyes of the JCPD administration? Not at all, you're not important to the JCPD in any way shape or form or this wouldn't have happened. Who the fuck made such an asinine decision? Why do they still have a job (oh right, police unions).

Johnny has been ranting and raving about this utter waste of JCPD resources for years. He's written letters to Steve Fulop (Who actually agreed with Johnny you'll recall, when he was running for mayor Steve Fulop too said the police standing around construction sites should be ended with volunteers -- until he won the election then nothing from Fulop), Candice Osborne, the usual channels. When nothing there happened he's taken to the Jersey City Desk to point out what an absurdity it is this is allowed to continue, and now the JCPD has a scandal over it break wide-open. An embarrassing scandal where we find out, yeah, they actually pulled cops from street duty to do nothing for developers.

Johnny has tried people, he'll keep trying. He'll keep posting pics of cops doing nothing, playing on their phones, sitting down and of course, sleeping in their fucking cars until things change. It'll be a hard fight against greedy cops who would rather line their pockets than serve and protect.

SHAME ON THE JCPD. A house cleaning is now in order, beyond pick masters.
(Jersey City Desk file photo of a JCPD officer sleeping while on construction site "duty")

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