Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The mate was a mighty sailing man, the skipper brave and sure...

No it wasn't the SS Minnow but a party boat did pretty much take a puke Monday night in the middle of the East River. Passengers had to wait out a three hour delay before the 'Fiesta En Barco 3' departed and seemingly things were going well until it went under the Williamsburg Bridge when the power and lights went out.

Everyone maintained calm, nobody tried to jump ship and swim to shore and the Green Goblin didn't try sinking the ship.

Unrelated video (but darned funny and so well scored)


Jim McKee said...

Coindentally, Sherwood Schwartz just passed away yesterday...

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Jim -- I did see that. I am still a HUGE Brady Bunch fan and have seen every Gilligan's Island episode at least three times. He gave us some good stuff growing up