Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ruh ro, the Southern Baptists think we're a godless lot and they are coming to save us

You see, the more traditional black Baptist churches aren't enough according to The Baptists' North American Mission Board. The NYC area needs some white Baptist churches and they are willing to spend some $20 million dollars to take over existing churches and spread that Book of Mormon kind of religiosity. What the Southern Baptist group is doing is called "church planting" and it is being done with a focus on the NYC Area because according to the NAMB the NYC area "needs your help."

Johnny's first impression would be to lead these same Southern Baptists back to their Bibles, more specifically this verse:

Beware! Those who attempt to Prosthelytize in my name, but will not do as I do, are not of Father God. As I said to them, "ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets" (Matt. 23:30).

But since when has the Bible ever stopped a Christian from prosthelytizing? Christians (and any member of any religion really) should spend more time listening to atheists on these matters. Johnny finds in many cases atheists know as much if not more about the religions they discuss than many of the believers do.

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