Saturday, January 24, 2015

FINALLY, someone willing to hold big contractors and PSE&G accountable

Yes, Ward E Councilwoman Candice Osborne is right as rain (or snow today) in her call for contractors and utilities like PSE&G to make damned sure they got what runs under the city right the first time after we pay to have the road paved back over:

The ordinance requires contractors to repave block-to-block any road that has been resurfaced by the city within the last 10 years.

"Jersey City invests heavily to maintain our roadways, only to see them torn up by utility contractors months, weeks and sometimes even days after the work is completed," Councilwoman Osborne said in a statement. "We've seen this idea work in other cities and from now on when we spend millions of dollars to repave our roads, they are going to last or be replaced by those who destroy them."

Right? Sit down. Take a Xanax, Jersey City, somebody is actually doing something to protect your tax dollars. Know who likes this good idea, besides everyone? The Mayor:

This ordinance will go a long way to ensure the positive investments we are making into our City are preserved."

It's called cost of doing business folks and we sure hope this idea becomes a Jersey City law post haste. Plus this is something "City Planning" can't just turn around and give back to developers at the first sniffle of complaint. More on this smart idea can be found here.

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