Monday, February 23, 2015

Wildlife sighting in downtown Jersey City!

While walking the dire wolf this morning, and after grabbing a coffee at the Warehouse Cafe as he is known to stop in and buy at the halfway point in the walk, Johnny's wolf began really barking. Now she's a talker anyway but this, this was different. She seemed somehow fixated on a line of cars outside the building the Warehouse Cafe is in. Bark bark whiiiiiiine bark. What ever could it be?

A skunk! A big old skunk crawling under cars making his or her way east down Bay St. Johnny stood in the street trying to get pictures with a wilding dog trying also not to get sprayed. Finally the skunk acquiesced. Johnny then warned residents coming out of the building there. He warned Warehouse customers. He did NOT warn the  Lloyd Goldman 111 First. St. construction guys because screw them.

A skunk, no doubt out for a morning stroll, perhaps to the Warehouse Cafe because they use that great Intelligentsia Coffee Johnny loves so much. Maybe the skunk was headed to the food truck down at the corner of Bay and Warren, how apropos. Here's your shots of the wildlife going on downtown even as we speak Jersey City.

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