Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The mayor isn't fooling with the Port Authority, he just isn't

Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop followed up his threat to sue the Port Authority over what he claims are unpaid city taxes, by lashing out at the Port Authority's toll increases set to take effect December 1st:

"The Port Authority dumps a heavy burden on Jersey City taxpayers in three ways - from the costs of municipal services provided to the Port Authority, from the increasing tolls and PATH fares, and from a staggering underpayment by the Port Authority to the City for its property here,"

"The Port Authority is financially strong and could choose to delay this increase," he added.

We're in complete agreement on this mayor. For far too long the Port Authority has acted with practical impunity when it comes to how they deal with other entities, and how they aren't accountable to almost anyone. It's time for Jersey City through Fulop to pull back some of the secrecy via the lawsuit and get Jersey City what is Jersey City's. With the increases we feel the Port Authority is just passing off to the public their cost overruns because of their own stupidity and lack of oversight on the new WTC project. 

We'll also tell you what Fulop won't, the fat cats at the PA don't give a shit if they hurt your family's bottom line one bit.

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