Friday, April 11, 2014

Here now a public service announcement for those with say, a heavy foot...

We know that from time to time everyone speeds on our nation's highways and byways. No matter how careful one tries to be, sometimes you just don't look for a few seconds and boom, over the limit. Police know of these areas people tend to speed. In fact they help create them, and they are known as speed traps. How would you like it if someone had posted active speed traps in one handy-dandy place to warn you?

Welcome to NJ Speed Trap on Twitter, the place for all things NJ speed trap related. Just check the site before you head out, if you hit a rest area or put your passengers to good use. The site updates active speed traps to help you avoid them. Much like flashing the bright lights off a few times to warn other drivers of a speed trap ahead, this site will help you avoid paying for someone else's civic improvements with an electronic twist.

We happily add this site to our Links that don't Stink list,

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