Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Why does Mayor Fulop refuse to lead on Jersey City schools?

Candidate Steve Fulop worked hard to get his candidates on the Jersey City Board of Education and School Board. In the past his ticket won an almost clean sweep of the positions up for voters. Fulop spent a lot of political capital on getting these seats filled with his supporters.

So why now does he refuse to lead? Jersey City schools have been under state control LONGER than Newark Public Schools. Fulop has a lot of the folks he wanted running things in place so why oh why do the Jersey City schools still look like they do? A giant brawl yesterday (though it certainly wasn't the first and won't be the last) downtown leading to fifteen student arrests, schools falling apart around students and teachers and what does Fulop do? He gets miffed the Board of Education didn't want his idea to get builders more of a tax break by putting in tiny "pre-K" spaces in their new buildings (and a side note here, the mayor and city councilors have been told by the citizens around town they'd rather not give abatements and screw these "pre-K" centers Fulop seems to be hot on -- he's just hot on giving away resident tax money to developers we think) he fought so hard against until he became mayor. See a pattern here Jersey City? Fulop fought against things in sound bites as a city councilman but once he became mayor he turned into Mayor Steve Healop.

Now we hear Fulop is having nothing to do with the BOE this election season. Wonderful. Way to divest yourself completely from a vital city issue. Being a pissy pants does NOTHING to help Jersey City children succeed Mr. Mayor. Throwing up your hands because the BOE didn't want your abatement schemes doesn't help one Jersey City child get into college.

Is the Mayor moving away from our failing school system because he fears it will be an albatross when he runs for Governor? The very idea someone who claims to love Jersey City as much as our mayor (and we have zero reason to doubt that love) yet would even consider leaving JC and running for Governor while kids are locked in a failed school system is abhorrent. You wanted the Jersey City gig Mr. Fulop. The voters gave that to you. Now, get in there and lead lead lead until you're blue in the mouth. You took an oath to work for all residents, not just the well heeled developers with names like Trump and Goldman. Time you started acting like it. Try working as hard so Jersey City kids can get an education to prepare them for this world as you do to get tax abatements for the rich.

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