Friday, March 27, 2015

We're shifting the Music Series to Saturday this week

Sorry fans of hot Friday night online music, we're gonna have to move the show until tomorrow as Johnny has a treat in store for himself tonight. As you well know Johnny has always been a huge fan of women in music. Huge fan. He's seen (and talked with) some of his idols. Tonight though, tonight is very very special. Probably no one woman has spent more hours in Johnny's ears than the rest and tonight Johnny gets great seats to see Ms. Deborah Harry at the famed Cafe Carlyle. Debbie (it just sounds so wrong to say Ms. Harry so it's Debbie) had a wonderful write-up in the New York Times as she begins her time performing at the cabaret inspired club.

So live music for Johnny tonight as he sits like a schoolboy with a crush and back to the Music Series on Saturday.

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