Thursday, December 11, 2008

Johnny just saw perhaps the saddest TeeVee ad ever

There is a product you can order by phone and or online and their target audience absolutely have to be complete imbeciles. We're not naming the product because we're not whoring anything no matter how bad. The ad begins with a woman on a couch half-assed under a blanket. The phone rings and she has all kinds of difficulty extracating herself from said blanket to answer the phone two feet away. In fact the morons in this ad have difficulty changing the channel with a blanket or eating popcorn covered by a blanket. BUT, if you order the product advertised, you get sleeves in your fleece blanket. Yep, you can suddenly answer the phone, eat popcorn and change the channel. What a revelation, eh? A blanket with sleeves.

Look, if you have problems working a goddamned blanket in life, maybe you shouldn't be ALLOWED to use the phone and or internet. In fact, if you can't get a blanket together, maybe that's where the government should step in and put you to sleep.

Just sayin'...

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