Saturday, April 13, 2013

This blogger as reporter shield ruling might mean big changes at the Jersey City Desk

First off some background. Tina Renna has a citizen watchdog blog in Union County. She wrote some things that upset the local leaders so much they sued her. Ms. Renna wrote that Union County workers took generators intended for Superstorm Sandy victims and used them personally. That's a serious and very embarrassing charge. So in an effort to intimidate and silence Renna/get to the bottom of the case, the Union County Prosecutor’s Office wanted the names of 16 county employees Renna claimed had improperly used county-owned portable generators after Superstorm Sandy. Renna told them no, reporter shield laws protected her. Darned if she wasn't right. Judge Karen Cassidy concluded Renna was covered and did not have to release her sources. 

Seeing this an emboldened Johnny is now looking for a new intern to rake muck and get all badgery with the interviews. If Johnny is covered under shield laws wooooo lookout. Email Johnny with your application and papers of servitude. We already set journalism back decades here so hello shield law and hello The Front Page circa 1974!

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