Tuesday, April 23, 2013

For the life of us, we can't understand why Mayor Healy wants Steve Fulop's latest ad taken down

You've seen the ad, it's the FBI video where our Mayor met with Solomon Dwek, Leona Beldini and other Healy friendlies at the Medical Center Luncheonette and thanked Dwek, the FBI informant, for the do-re-mi. It's the kind of ad a prosecutor might use as a closing argument.

Healy, who not two weeks ago said, “I should have gotten a gold medal for effective, honest, open government for that,” wants the ad off the air at all costs, lawsuits at 20 paces if need be.


Why are you sending the Fulop campaign a cease and desist letter? You Healy folk want the ad taken down that the Mayor says he should have won a gold medal for? You might want to double check because you can't do better than a gold medal, that's the best Jerry, the best! So why wouldn't the Healy campaign want more of this on teevee? Color us baffled.

We'd also like to take time out to call Fulop campaign spokesperson Bruno Tedeschi a real butt dumpling. Tedeschi told the media not only no to taking down the ad, but hell no, which would have been fine if he'd left it at that. He couldn't. He just had to try and get in one more dig which won him the title of Ser Butt Dumpling:

“Healy is at the center of the biggest political corruption scandal in New Jersey's history. From the selling of body parts of the dead in morgues to payoffs to politicians, it became a source of national embarrassment. What's stunning is how brazen Healy was then. “

Mr. Tedeschi, where EXACTLY does the issue of body parts being sold enter into Jersey City politics? Do you have some meeting on surveillance tape that Mayor Healy was in with someone talking about reselling kidneys to pay for his campaign? This was a very New York Jewish community issue, is NOT a Jersey City mayoral issue. You could have mentioned Peter Cammarano up in FuHo in that crime sweep. You chose not to. It was a lot more pertinent too. So we're still left wondering as to why you would stain Jersey City as part of something it had nothing to do with. Some of the comments that come out of the mouths of those around Councilman Fulop are truly insulting.

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