Saturday, January 4, 2014

NYC politics can be a pretty bare knuckles game, but THIS?!

We thought we'd heard every political charge imaginable hurled towards an opponent. We've heard all kinds of commentary that if it isn't outright slander borders on it. So imagine our surprise when a losing in candidate in NYC accused the winner of putting a voodoo hex on her.

Yes, a voodoo, hex because a large body-less cock (her words) was painted on the side of her building. Gwen Goodwin who lost in November to NYC Mayor Bill deBlasio's choice for city council speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito, of cursing her chances.

“This is supposed to be a professional politician who came and graffitied the side of my building,” Goodwin told the Post, who have written several articles criticizing Mark-Viverito. Goodwin claims she endured “emotional distress” from the alleged spell: "This intimated me and caused me fear. I’m a Christian. I don’t believe outside my religion, but strange things were happening,” Goodwin says.

There is more, so much more on this odd odd claim and also a picture of the cock pained on her building at the link.

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