Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tired of wondering when that next NJ Transit bus is coming? Those days are over

A new app for your smartphone or desktop computer has been launched by NJ Transit which gives you the ability to check your route and see where the next bus coming your way is at. If you'd like to leave the warmth of your home 10 minutes later because you can see the bus is running late, there you go. If you're leaving work and wonder if it's worth running to a stop to catch one you'll know if it's prudent to walk or run.

Johnny's gonna post a screenshot of the app in action. By hovering your mouse over a stop you get the info and you'll see flashing dots/red diamonds to show where the bus is. Here Johnny moused over Van Nostrand and JFK and when you click on this image you see the red diamond bus is coming your way. You can see the route by checking the arrow inside the diamond.

A great use of technology making it's way here. Remember times are estimated and traffic backups do happen. NJ Transit also advises the estimates don’t apply to buses leaving the Port Authority Bus Terminal between 4 and 7 p.m. weekdays.

Still, it's better than not having this handy app. Get to downloading so you can get down to the Denver and Seattle hotel rallies Sunday night.

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