Thursday, June 26, 2014

Late night open thread

Well the Group of Death kept it's appointments, with Portugal and Ghana anyway. Heh heh, not today death, not today.

Right at this critical weekend in the tournament Johnny is heading north to Boston for the weekend. Badly needed stress relief is at hand. So you're going to have to look elsewhere for World Cup previews until Monday. Saturday is being called South America Saturday with Brazil playing Chile and Columbia playing Uruguay. Do enjoy.

Congrats to Team USA who had what, a 9% chance to advance when they started? Certainly was a stressful 45-60 minutes this afternoon hoping Ghana didn't get a second. When the Ghana goalie batted the ball to Cristiano Ronaldo about 20 feet in front of the Ghanaian net in the 80th minute Johnny jumped off his couch (he did) and screamed "OhMyGod." because he'd seen this Ronaldo fellow finish plays before. Sure helped everyone breathe easier. Funny some are crediting Portugal for saving the USA when it didn't happen like that at all. It saved USA soccer fans from heart attacks is all.

So until Sunday night have a great weekend, be good, and don't bite anybody.

Time for Jersey City, After Dark

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