Monday, June 16, 2014

To protect and serve...and nap...

OK, don't get Johnny wrong, there is nothing funnier than developers like Toll Brothers or Mill Creek, Tish, Trump, or Lloyd Goldman or anybody else getting ripped off. They are required to foot the bill for the too many to count police officers often seen standing around construction projects doing nothing, sipping coffee, enjoying a cigarette and so forth. Well this guy, we'll call him Mr. Sleepy, has been tapped by one of these developers and he's found a great way to pass the day, sleeping in his car while he should be standing on a street corner looking important in his police vest and sipping coffee (picture taken at 8:55AM). Again, nothing makes us happier than a developer losing money BUT this guy is also supposed to be the one stopping truck and crane and backhoe traffic so people can cross at intersections. He should be the one stopping traffic from going down closed streets (because the police unions insist only someone with a badge can correctly point to a road closed sign). He should be another set of eyes out there looking out for the public or at least for the people paying him.

Also, what does Mr. Sleepy tell the residents who see him not only sleeping in his police vest, no, he's going the Full Monty with a sleepers blindfold on to boot. Johnny had seen this guy doing this before but spared him the embarrassment (not to mention the city) but figured maybe it IS time to break some eggs over at City Hall and get Police Chief Robert Cowen hipped to what really happens on the streets of Jersey City. Maybe he'd agree it's time to move these poor overburdened police officers off these gravy assignments and let citizen-tasked traffic coordinators handle pointing at road closed signs.

Maybe they can at least stay awake...

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