Friday, November 13, 2009

Jersey City Assistant Comptroller has been arrested for having sexual chats with supposed underage partners

If this is all true, thank heavens the "child" that Joseph Ambrosio was chatting with was an undercover police officer and Ambrosio was arrested and is spending his Friday in the lockup. The chats had been going on for months according to Hudson County officers with Ambrosio passing himself off as a 29 year old (He's really 41) and chatting sexually with what he thought to be a 13 year old girl. Worse, if it can get worse, Ambrosio was apparently carrying on his discussions from his Jersey City work computer.

Look, this is worse than the graft arrests, this guy, if this is proven in court, is a predator. What kinds of people are we as a city electing and then allowing to be appointed to jobs here? Jersey City, we're a laughingstock and there's nothing funny about any of it. Steal, take bribes, lie about it, meet at the pancake house to get a cereal box filled with $90 large in cash and now people inside the city government on work time trolling for children?

We need to clean house and by clean house Johnny means a thorough house cleaning. If you see a city vehicle sitting around for hours doing nothing yet most likely collecting tax dollars, use your cell phone, take a picture, get the VIN and people in it, and send it HERE, right to us here and we'll happily post the slackers. See a city or county worker acting the fool, send it to us, we'll shame them. Enough is enough and on election day next, CLEAN OUR HOUSE JERSEY CITY, clean it good.