Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Uh oh, a butthurt congressman from Paterson is running around complaining about Jersey City

Rep. Bill Pascrell D-Paterson is a very jealous and petty man. Butthurt Billy went on record saying how thankful that Paterson was for the state help his city got under outgoing Governor Jon Corzine and then went on a crying jag about Jersey City's amount of state aid.

“Everything in this state goes to Newark and Jersey City. We think we are just as worthy as they are."

Hey Billy, newsflash, no, you're not as worthy. You don't act as any kind of gateway to New York City, you don't have near the jobs base we have here, and when it comes to crooked politicians, Jersey City PWNS podunk Paterson. You don't have the ironworkers and welders who risked their lives digging through the wreckage of the World Trade Centers. Speaking of which, companies devastated by the attacks on 9/11 didn't relocate to Paterson, no, they came to Jersey City--you know--The Sixth. You don't have the fabulous restaurants we do, you waste precious American resources by not having and using mass transit like Jersey City does, there are no teevee shows depicting Paterson like 'Mercy' which shows off the fabulousness that is Jersey City. Face it Bill, if you're comparing Paterson to Jersey City, you lose.

Paterson, where the men are men and the sheep are nervous...


Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

I heard they teach the boys macrame and how to hem skirts in Paterson.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Damn straight. His problem is little man syndrome. He wants so badly to live in the big city, and Newark and JC are 1 and 2 population-wise in the pecking order, but he lacks the cahones to join us here in the big city