Monday, March 29, 2010

Would the owner of the submerged 1994 Jeep Cherokee in Bayonne please come claim your truck?

Well SOMEBODY is missing (or not if it's an insurance job) a 1994 Jeep Cherokee found submerged off the shore 'Behind the A&P Supermarket'. Police divers jumped in after it was noticed to look for potential bodies but found none. They also assumed the Jeep Cherokee had FLOATED there since there were no skid marks. Floated, as huge heavy Jeep vehicles are known to do in water. Maybe it paddled over from Brooklyn. Maybe the Jeep had always wanted to see the A&P in Bayonne.

If you have any info on this mystery Jeep, please contact Bayonne authorities before the old Monty Python meme kicks in that is was quite possibly carried there by a sparrow.

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