Thursday, May 30, 2013

One picture helps sum up Toll Brothers sheer contempt for Jersey City residents...

...and shows the people in the Jersey City government who allowed them to close this sidewalk have their heads firmly planted up their asses (but what's new?). Here we see Toll Brothers setting up a sign telling people "Hey, we could give a shit about you and your neighborhood, just cross the street here and walk down THAT side of the road." Yes, road, there is no other sidewalk. So, Toll Brothers is really telling Jersey City taxpayers "Just walk in the street but don't bother us. If you get hit too bad."

Then of course there are the people in the Jersey City government who for years have kowtowed to stupidity like this. Mr. Fulop, department heads all need to go. Every last one of them. Send their cronies and lackey to the unemployment line and let them deal with their bad decisions that way. It's long overdue.

We're watching you Steve Fulop, BIG changes are necessary, especially with how the city deals with developers who could give a shit about the city they make bank in.

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