Monday, May 6, 2013

There is still time to go see the remaining embers of Mayor Healy's time in office flitting about outside the Jersey Journal offices

"I wasn't thinking that well."

No duh.

Hizzoner is on his way to crashing towards the finish line in a spectacular flame-out over changing his story about super happy drunk time on the porch and is now pointing the finger at three mysterious Hispanic girls. The heat from that stupid answer grows and grows. Know what Healy does? Gets mad that Fulop uses it. Mayor, when you mention the three girls to the paper of record don't get mad when people talk about your suddenly new version of events.

Said Healy “I’m done talking about something that happened nine years ago.”

Apparently you're not. Please continue. We liked the part where you allegedly called Nidia Lopez "baby". We're sorry for some of the good people on your ticket who care very much about Jersey City like Dan Levin are getting broadsided with this.

Beth Mason, that's $46K to you for a guy who right now isn't thinking that well.

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