Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bloomie and his sidekick Ray Ray had a meltdown yesterday like children being told to put their toys away

First things first, nearly 70% of New Yorkers support city council installing an Inspector General to oversee the department. With the way Mayor Bloomberg has called the NYPD his "personal army" and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly has run amok on #OWS, his stop and frisk program and the horribly botched Muslim surveillance that seemed to start in New Jersey (still not part of New York) it is high time to add a layer of accountability between Bloomberg and Kelly and the citizenry.

Accountability? Bloomberg laughs at your stupid head. HE is the accountability:

"Yes there is. It's called the Mayor...The police commissioner in our city works for the mayor serves at the pleasure of the mayor..."

Next sentence:

"I can just tell you I'm not a professional in this.."

No shit.

See Kelly and Bloomberg are saying unless they can profile, unless they can run spying operations far and wide, unless they can basically go about their business as THEY please with zero oversight, we're all dead people:

This is life and death, this isn't playing some game… 

Kelly really took things to unbelievable heights in his temper tantrum calling the bill:

'Full Employment for Plaintiffs Attorneys Act'…Take heart Al Qaeda wannabes." 

Bitter much Ray-Ray? This is the problem with people like Bloomberg and Kelly who are used to getting their own way and really aren't into answering for their actions. They think they're special. They think some oversight shield comes with their jobs. Wrong. Hell, when told that his canard of saying lawyers will make lots of coin for their clients if the Inspector General bill passes was wrong and the new bill allows for NO monetary relief, Bloomberg in typical Bloomberg style said:

"It doesn't matter..."

Yes, Mayor Mike, it does. And the city council WILL pass the IG law which if you really don't think allows you to do your job the way you see fit you can leave early. The third term was a mistake anyway.

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