Monday, February 17, 2014

Every so often, one sentence in a news story really stands out

Reading Gothamist this morning Johnny clicked on a story that J-walking tickets under new Mayor DeBlasio have soared. By soaring Johnny means an 800% increase. They're not cracking down much at all on dangerous drivers (At least NYC monitors your EZ-Pass when you drive through the city so there's that. Oh wait, you didn't know NYC spied on your EZ-Pass if you're driving in Manhattan? Click here citizen) just dangerous pedestrians. New Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said last month that pedestrains cause 73% of car/ped accidents. Like Gothamist points out, those numbers clearly come from that cases reviewed by the Collision Investigation Squad, not DOT data.

As for that Collision Investigation Squad and their sheer lack of human resurces, here's the sentence that caught Johnny's eye:

"We also learn that Bratton has "struggled to find enough officers interested in the task" of investigating crashes, making it harder to deliver on his promise to bolster the ranks of CIS and therefore conduct higher-quality investigations."

"struggled to find enough officers interested in the task"

Are you the ball-less Police Commissioner Mr. Bratton? Struggled to find enough officers interested? Good lord is that what the NYPD have become? The top cop cannot give orders and the guys he'd give them to can just wave them off? Is that how it works at YOUR place of business? 

Johnny, I'd like you to go over the Smith Inc. account and make sure we billed the hours correctly. 
No, I really don't feel like doing that. I'm going to go over here and call a couple people but good luck on the Johnson account thing.

Johnny, the registers are very busy, go help the customers and open one up.
Ya know bossman, that sounds like a really important thing, but right now I'd rather go "reorganize" the magazine rack mmmmmkay?

Well, you tell us. Can't find officers interested in doing that?? NYPD Police Commissioner Bill Bratton ladies and jellyspoons, he'll be here nightly at least for the next four years...

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