Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sounds like the old Jersey City gravy train is back up and running

Mayor Steve Fulop has sent our city spokesmodel Jennifer Morrill to say this isn't his fault. Ward F councilwoman Diane Coleman, whom we have partly to thank for the continued gravy train, is too cowardly/busy? to release a statement on it.

So what is IT we're talking about? One Eugene McKnight, a former campaign manager for Coleman, just picked himself up a tony city job. He gets a yearly salary of $75,000 for working for the Jersey City Employment & Training Program.

Hmmmm, $75K, the amount McKnight ALREADY OWES Jersey City for his 1992 conviction on welfare fraud charges. He's paid back NONE of the $75K he owes from 1992 AND just landed a city job. He hasn't even tried to pay it back! 

So why should the other qualified candidates be discarded for this guy who shows his contempt for the city he works for daily? Again, Diane Coleman refuses to say. Steve Fulop sends out his spokesperson with a boilerplate "Don't look at me" comment.

Steve, Diane, here we thought the Healy days were over. Guess not.

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