Saturday, July 5, 2014


Tonight, after Jersey City's fireworks show utterly beat the pants off the Macy's show, which DID have to move the launch boats because of rip currents in the East River causing many to sit all day expecting to see a show that was suddenly not in sight. Know what doesn't move? Jersey City's Liberty State Park and Statue of Liberty. That backdrop is always gonna look great and no riptides either.

Steve Fulop 1
Bill DeBlasio 0

So, tonight the Music Series looks at America, all the good and all the dirty little secrets and dirty little lies. Which song do YOU think bet sums up America dear readers? Here's Johnny's choice as cynical as it may seem. Kicking things off tonight with 'Dirty Laundry' is Don Henley, American by way of Gilmer Texas.

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