Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Instead of wasting your lunchtime break outside, try reading this

Besides it's hot outside. Better off reading inside.

A great report today from The Village Voice about a tip the FBI got in 1950 that Russia had secretly placed an atomic bomb in a consulate in New York City:

In the summer of 1950, an FBI informant whose name we still don't know arrived in Brazil. While he was there, the informant received the following tip, which he relayed to the agency. As the file puts it: "[T]he Soviets have placed an atom bomb in a consulate, the identity of which he did not learn, in New York City to be detonated at such time as the Soviets consider expedient."

Was any of it true? Were the Soviets looking to place a bomb or drop off bomb parts in the middle of the night? What DID the FBI find out? Well friends you'll just have to read that part over lunch.

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