Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Johnny has been looking for a time to slot this story in

It's from last week but still and all, historical stories are always good anytime. Singer sewing machines, every family had one, right? Johnny's mom sure did, so did his grandma. He remembers learning to work it and do some light sewing because Johnny knew in 7th and 8th grade one quarter was Shop class, one was Home Ec and two were gym. Johnny was a right fine jock so gym was never an issue. Shop class was. Johnny is not now nor has he ever been mechanically inclined. He avoided shop class at all costs. In 7th grade he purchased finished extra projects from Bill Bettis and Tom Reyes to even pass. He liked Home Ec and was more than willing to suffer the barbs and arrows of middle school boys harassing Johnny for choosing a "girls class." Johnny's love of cooking comes from those days. He already had a leg up on many because his mom had a Singer sewing machine.

Seriously Johnny, where is this going...

The Singer Sewing Machine Company was located in Elizabeth for it's entire 109 year run and in 1870's it employed the most employees at one company in the world at the time. C'mon, before you click take a guess, how many people did the Singer Co. employ in the 1870's?
A) 800
B) 2500
C) 4000
D) 6000

The article is filled with great nuggets of info from a long gone era Johnny thinks you'll find interesting.

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