Thursday, June 4, 2009

North Bergen's own 'mouth that roared', Hal Turner arrested for inciting violence on his blog

North Bergen right wing radio host and blogger Hal Turner was arrested yesterday and is awaiting extradition to Connecticut for commentary on his blog to "take up arms" against two Connecticut lawmakers.

Johnny is all about the freedom of speech. He hates these ridiculous laws namby pamby's are trying to institute for supposed cyber-bullying. That being said you cannot say "take up arms" against ANYONE. In this day and age, as we saw in the murder of abortion provider George Tiller, people can and are incited to kill people because of things they read and things they hear online, or in group meetings. It's not just that his threat was aimed at Connecticut lawmakers Sen. Andrew McDonald and Rep. Michael Lawlor over Catholic Parish finance, it's that he made them at all. This IS yelling fire in a movie theatre in our estimation.

You cannot and should not be allowed to sit behind your keyboard and call for violence against others and hope and or expect one of your readers (or in radio's case listeners) and when it actually comes to pass sit back and say "Whoa how the hell did that happen? I'm completely innocent of course as they were just thoughts, words if you will. THEY killed him, I didn't".

We wonder what Turner's BFF Sean Hannity will have to say about all of his.

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