Friday, June 10, 2011

Tennessee Titan and Bayonne's own Kenny Britt has had a busy week

Kenny has a lot of time on his hands while being locked out by the NFL owners (and greedy bastards they be). So much time in fact it seems Kenny celebrated his plea deal on Tuesday for careless driving regarding an incident in April that involved a chase (Britt sped away from police in his 90K Porsche and when police caught up he walked away from the car at first claiming it wasn't his despite the Tennessee Titans license plates) by getting popped in Hoboken on Wednesday for among other things tampering with evidence, obstructing a government function and resisting arrest. This stems from what police say was an attempt to hide and then destroy a crushed a cigar containing marijuana (we'll go with the hipper phrase 'blunt' here) after being confronted by FuHo PD. This is the 5th time in the last two years Kenny Britt has had police contact of some kind. While his teammates were down in Tennessee trying to hold workouts on their own Britt had better things to do with his time.

Kenny, a nickel's worth of free advice. Google the name Charles Rogers. Then go look in a mirror.

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