Saturday, January 7, 2012

You all remember the movie the Princess Bride right?

Then of course you remember the harrowing trip through the Fireswamp with Westley and Buttercup. Who could forget those random pulsing fire bursts and those hideous Rodents of Unusual Size with their huge bodies and sharp teeth.

Johnny thinks the Fireswamp MAY, and we stress MAY, be located in or around The Bronx.

A massive rat, truly a rodent of unusual size, was found in a Foot Locker in The Bronx. Now if large rats make you all jinky and janky this link is not for you. But it is not the first time a rodent this big has been seen in the Bronx. The persons of letters over at Gothamist have an idea what's going on.

Johnny Action Science Punk remembers in his sixth grade math class having a textbook with cartoon characters to help doe-eyed students learn. One of these characters seared into Johnny's brain was Dogberry, the dog with the helpful hints. Johnny's here to give you this Dogberry hint, once we run out of Kia Souls to let them drive we're in big trouble.


M said...

I refuse to look at the link. Blehhhhhh. Hahaha, Dogberry!

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Yes, M, in that book there was also a Count Chocula type looking vampire (A forerunner to Eric Northman no doubt) that helped you with math disciplines. When you saw the vampire you needed to check your work.

Is it any wonder Mrs. Johnny handles the money?