Friday, April 6, 2012

You can't make this stuff up...

Well you could but it just wouldn't be as good...

Philip Karpinski was doing a little driving in Bayonne Wednesday night. He'd had some adult beverages and was minding his own business when a utility pole jumped in front of his car causing him to collide with said pole (You know how poles have a habit of doing this especially after you have a .18 equivalent swimming through your blood). Karpinski was no dummy, he wasn't sticking around to take the rap for this mess.

If only Karpinski's bumper with his license plate felt the same way.

Police were able to follow the trail of auto fluids from the downed pole to where the incriminating bumper was found. From there police went to Karpinski's house where he admitted hitting the pole and taking it on the lam. He was arrested and charged with several counts the least of which should have been littering.


M said...

poles are *so* mean spirited.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

They are just mindless car mashers. Sometimes I think they don't even care.