Saturday, July 20, 2013

An app for Twitter wants more power over Johnny's info than the NSA and PRISM have

Incredible. All Johnny wanted to do was post a tweet in a contest for HBOGo mentioning his favorite Game of Thrones moment (Tyrion commanding the King's Landing forces in the Battle of the Blackwater while being dressed down by The Hound) and to enter one MUST allow a HootSuite app, a URL shortener called to speak for you. Yes, it's Orwellian in its permission level. The NSA or FBI can't do this. Just look at the permission settings they allow themselves:

Balls the size of Alpha Centauri. Who DO you think you people are? can update Johnny's profile? You can posts tweets FOR Johnny on his behalf? In the words of Eric Cartman to Mr. Garrison ""

Good citizens please tell Johnny you're not signing on for things like this. This is disgraceful. A good reason to not use HootSuite.

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