Wednesday, July 31, 2013

An open letter to Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association in NYC

Dear Ed,

Go screw yourself. We've all heard enough whining from Mike Bloomberg on the Community Safety Act to last us a lifetime. Word is the Mayor might even be dangling good paying jobs to get councilmen  to switch their votes. But you, all you need is a .15¢ ball point pen to sound like an utter and complete whiner. The pens, which read “Community Safety Act — Presuming cops guilty since 2013,” will be handed out around town to somehow help teach citizens that police need zero oversight. What an effective and completely childish act Ed. A pen? A pen whining about city policy? Just what is your problem with oversight Ed? Oh, that's right, presumption of guilt. That's SO FUNNY you'd snivel about assumed guilt because Eddie baby, here's what YOU said about presuming people guilty in May 2013:

“If you’re not a terrorist, if you’re not a threat, prove it,” he says.

Ed, you shit for brains, what's the difference? One is police and the other is everyone else? More and more your police are the problem. Stop and frisks go down and so does your crime rate. Facts are facts bubby. Do you realize what an utter crybaby you sound like?

Take your pens, go get your money back on them, and grow up you duplicitous tool and go read the constitution all the way through which you obviously missed in school.

The Jersey City Desk Staff