Monday, August 26, 2013

We figured the Jersey City reval cancellation papers were lost in the mail but no, they haven't been sent

A big topic in the last mayoral race was about the property tax reval that former mayor Healy approved and candidate Fulop said he'd stop.

Just to be clear and as you'll read in the article by our friend Terrence T at the Jersey Journal, Mayor Fulop can't wave his magic scepter (Yes the one Boss Hague used to beat freely given contributions from his bannermen) and the reval goes away. There is copious paperwork and the request must be filed with the county yada yada yada...

But according to Jersey City Spokesperson-for-Life Jennifer Morrill (As always we kid, we respect the job you do) Fulop hasn't petitioned for approval for the cancellation. When asked why Morrill declined to comment.


The Jersey Journal said nobody seemed sure about the way forward on this:

It’s not clear what happens if Jersey City never petitions the county to halt the reval. Kennelly referred The Jersey Journal to the state Division of Taxation, whose spokesman did not return a request for comment.

We're hopeful at this point Mr. Fulop will file the proper paperwork (Don't be like Governor Christie and lose out because incomplete papers were filed) and this mess gets cancelled. If you own property downtown you'd better read the last third of the article. You'd stand to lose more than chump change if the reval continues.

Come on Mr. Mayor, be clear as to what we're doing as a city on this. Some people want to make long term decisions property-wise and having this hand grenade sitting downtown won't help the new campaign to pull people and businesses from the shoulder to the wheel borough of Brooklyn (save this link for home friends).

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