Friday, August 16, 2013

How about you use up one of your free New York Times stories on a brilliant write-up on Jersey City

His excellency Steve Fulop was out with a link to this story on the Twitter this morning promoting a fantastic and forward looking article from The New York Times on Jersey City and where we are headed as a city. Much of the article talks about former NYC residents being quickly won over by the last gritty, art-friendly, and food fabulous enclave with any room to build, renovate, or reclaim.

The article points out that some who have moved from Brooklyn fled rents equal to or above those in Manhattan. When rents in Brooklyn outdo rents in Manhattan it's the surest sign Brooklyn and their MTV Awards aren't living any kind of Bohemian hardscrabble lifestyle anymore. The Sex Pistols and The Clash days are done and now it's Katarina and the Waves time for Brooklyn. Leave them alone with their thoughts for a spell friends, this may take a while to sink in.

Hell yes Jersey City. In the words of John Winger:

Grow? Who could grow more than me?

Talk about massive potential for growth.

I am the little acorn that becomes the oak.

Go faster Mr. Mayor. If Johnny can deal with hellishly loud gargantuan construction projects in his neighborhood the good people in Journal Square and The Heights and everywhere else deserve no less.

Oh and for those who might need a tipping point? Snooki and What'sHerName don't live here anymore. That was the last mayor.

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