Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mayor Fulop's failed leadership on red-light cameras is beyond maddening

First things first. Johnny called mayoral candidate Steve Fulop's office at least five times asking where the mayoral candidate stood on these invasive cameras. Candidate Fulop returned ZERO phone calls. ZERO.

Classy huh?

Well Fulop continues to hide from the issue. Ward C Councilman Rich Boggiano brought up the idea to get rid of ALL the red-light cameras not just the one mandated to be removed because of the closing of the Pulasi Skyway. 

Rich Boggiano, a retired police detective who represents Ward C on the nine-member body, said the controversial red-light cameras, which have been installed at about a dozen locations and bring in about $2.7 million in revenue annually, are an invasion of privacy.

“If you want to have traffic enforcement, bring back the cops, bring back police,” Boggiano told The Jersey Journal.

Boggiano is right, the police should be handing out tickets. The city council agreed with Boggiano giving him near unanimous support at the last council meeting. But these council members turned tail and went back to Steve Fulop who somehow must have got the party line the council members that the city wants the filthy lucre raised by the cameras. Why else would they change their minds? It's so bad councilman-at-large Daniel Rivera is trying to delay Boggiano's vote and throw cover for Fulop.

Let's be clear Mayor, FACTS show these cameras CAUSE more accidents than they stop. Accident rates around these cameras are UP. So if and when you ever decide to take a stand on something as simple as traffic cams, and that shouldn't be too hard for a Marine, do not tell us you want them for safety. Come right out and say you and your supporters on the city council not named Rich Boggiano are addicted to the revenue, a huge chunk of which the city doesn't even see because it goes to a company at this point doing zero to earn it, they simply install cameras and the checks with taxpayer money roll in. Come on mayor, it's been years, tell us your position, stop hiding on it.

And for fun, if and when you DO ever come out and support the cameras, Johnny hereby challenges you to a debate in front of City Hall. You Mr. Mayor can support former Mayor Healy's position and Johnny will show up with books of facts on how red-light cameras make intersections more dangerous.

You have been challenged.

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