Monday, October 24, 2016

Getting heated in Hoboken

A story by our old friend Grafix Avenger up to FuHo over some slimy board of education election tactics and even uglier humans caught Johnny's eye and he wanted to share it. Imagine here in Jersey City if during a debate or open forum for school board or board of education one side decided to thug things up and have a dongbeaver hold a flash on a camera phone open while the side he's told he doesn't like is talking, trying to blind or distract them, then shuts it off when the other side talks. That's just one off-putting tactics which can be seen in images quite clearly. Grafix Avenger and commenters discuss more. Here's the link to the top of her site, just read down and be prepared to shake your head in disgust at how some people think local elections should be run.

Her Graphix are always so much better than ours.
(Artist rendering of meeting)

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