Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We've been saying it for over a year -- Mariano Vega GUILTY

Political gadfly and all around asshole Mariano Vega resigned his city council seat yesterday under cloak of gloamin, resigning minutes before a city council meeting (more on this in a few) and will today drive his sorry ass out to Newark and plead GUILTY to the crimes he was arrested for in the summer of 2009, you know, the charges he staunchly denied time and time again. Well Mario, guess what, today you are a felon. No more guesswork, no more 'allegedly, no today you become a felon. You were guilty from the outset and you knew it. You wasted time and money of the citizens of this city in pretending to fight these charges all while getting paid to attend city council meetings you didn't bother to show up for. You stole under the guise of representing Jersey City citizens. Simply heinous. There is a special place in hell for those who make themselves rich while they should be doing city business.

As for his resignation, it really wouldn't be Mariano Vega if he didn't pull the equivalent of taking a steaming poop on the carpet of the house he is moving out of. Vega's resignation comes just 4 days after the deadline that would have allowed the citizens to hold a special election for his seat (and we're SURE that Vega had no idea about the timing of this --snork) so now his replacement is appointed (no doubt to get Kwame Healy another lackey on city council) and no special election can be held for Vega's seat until November of 2011. Nice guy isn't he? On his way to plead guilty to felony charges he can't resist gaming the system one more time. Like we said, asshole.

So for now it looks like Vega's council aide Hilario Nunez will be appointed to take over his seat.

Disgusting. Simply disgusting. City voters don't get any REAL say in their representative and can't throw off the shackles of Vega's stink because he wanted his own personal aide to live up to his "high" standards. Citizens of Jersey City, the time is NOW to all show up at city council meeting and DEMAND to be heard. Show up with torches and pitchforks, get in the representatives grills on the street. Let them know you're paying attention. This city simply cannot allow this kind of "I'll steal until they catch me then I'll turn it over to one of my supporters" anymore.

People, we need action and a healthy dose of ANGER over the way this city is run. Healy MUST GO. Nidia Lopez/Boehringer MUST GO. Peter Brennan MUST GO. We have a lot of housecleaning yet to do Jersey City, nobody get complacent.

The Healy promise of "Change We Can See" runs through Federal Court in Newark.

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