Monday, April 18, 2011

Get ready for the next big hubub across the river, cops as ticket fixers finally facing the music

In what may well explode into a running soap opera, several high ranking as well as beat cops are being investigated in a wide reaching search for ticket malfeasance in the Bronx. Some two dozen officers and superiors are under the gun as it were for either fixing tickets themselves or asking for tickets to go away. The New York Times tells us more:

While the law enforcement official and several lawyers involved in the matter called the wrongdoing relatively minor, the case could have serious implications for the department because of the large number of officers thought to have participated, either by asking for a ticket to be fixed or by doing the actual fixing.

And the accusations will most likely anger countless New Yorkers, some of whom see the specter of quotas behind summonses they receive and whose response to a ticket is generally more straightforward — pay the fine and have points added to their driver’s license.

Damn straight, WE pay while they walk away from financial obligations (and drunk driving arrests and other issues but that's another post for another day). It'll sure set the blood to boiling when you get done reading this fine Monday morning.

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