Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mariano Vega sentenced to 30 months in prison -- The usual suspects come to his defense

Sometimes in Jersey City it's just not enough to plead guilty to crimes of confidence. See, like Mariano Vega you can be convicted of a felony, sentenced to 30 months in federal prison (what was it the movie Office Space called those again?) for being on the take from your city job afforded you by the VOTERS and STILL there is the same little cabal of Jersey City elected officials who think you got a raw deal (project much guys?). Here are some of the comments from certain elected officials in our fair city in Vega's sentence with Johnny's commentary after:

"He was a respected man in the community, all the years of service in the community -- I think that should have meant something." -- Peter Brennan (Yeah Peter, it DID mean something, it means he got to hang onto his city council job refusing to give it up even after being indicted. It probably also kept him from a bigger yet still well deserved sentence)

"I just feel badly that he lost judgment on this issue. He's a hard-working family man, and my heart goes out to his family." --Bill Gaughan (If by hard working you mean trying to not get caught taking bribes then yes, he worked very hard)

"We wish him and his family the best and we're hopeful he can now move on with his life in a positive direction" -- Mayor Jerramiah Healy (Yes, we hope he can move on to another community, one he didn't steal from and live out his days not disgracing Jersey City one more day)

Face it, when you're willing to throw everything away for 30K you're nothing but an elected hooker.

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