Tuesday, February 28, 2012

NYPD Chief Ray Kelly REALLY thinks his jurisdiction reaches across the Hudson River

Yesterday Mr. "The Constitution is Really a Gray Area" Kelly said that New Jersey Lawmakers, Mayors and even Governor Chris Christie were wrong to even criticize his spying on Muslim communities since 9/11. Ray intoned he'd keep doing it.

We'll be brief then Ray. If we catch one of your wayward cops over here we may or MAY NOT participate in a "catch and release" program. If they're sticking their noses where they have no warrants, thus illegally spying on New Jersey residents, boy that could be a real problem over here. For you and for them. You know, pardon OUR sovereignty and all.

We value the rule of law here Ray, hopefully you and your spy ring won't have to find out how that gets enforced. We'd also certainly hope the police here in New Jersey get hold of your guys before many of the upset residents do. Do you think New Jersey police if approached couldn't help do it legally and right? Do you think they hate terrorists less than you Ray? Maybe they already had contacts in the areas. As Kids in the Hall comic Bruce McCullough once pointed out America (In this case specifically New York) "...that great lumbering beast that journeys tirelessly. Stops only to eat a clubhouse sandwich and pick its teeth with a matchbook cover and fall asleep with the teevee on....again."

So, are we as a state ok with freelancers working in their own shadow world?

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